The project of Magdalena Gutiérrez: the poetics of living in the Atacama Desert. The four modes of climate management
architectural design, earth construction, traditional architecture, clay, building materialsAbstract
This study addresses the issue of living in fragile ecological environments, such as oases in deserts. Currently, the oasis of San Pedro de Atacama is experiencing a decrease in its agricultural area due to urbanization and tourism, affecting the sustainability of traditional farming practices and putting at risk the ecological and cultural balance of this Atacamenian locale. The article presents sustainable design strategies for contemporary living in fragile environments, examining thermal qualities and climate control strategies applied to the “Workshop House” or Casa Taller of Magdalena Gutiérrez. Using the principles of Lisa Heschong and Eva Horn, the review also includes Reyner Banham's climate management modes. The methodology combines architectural and ethnographic analysis, structured in three stages: selection of works, construction of the conceptual framework, and analysis and systematization. Models, photographs, maps, and diagrams were used to contrast theories and thermal and cultural qualities with evidence from the work. Classification criteria included evaluating characteristics such as the degree of privacy of areas and rooms, ventilation, lighting, thermal insulation, and heating methods, with a binary rating employed for systematic evaluation. The results highlighted that Casa Taller manifests poetic living in the exteriority of the Atacama Desert, suggesting a vocation for community activities. The lighting qualities revealed a strategic design that maximizes controlled daylight, utilizing openings and skylights. It was concluded that the Casa Taller represents an expression of "Revisited Critical Regionalism." The "site-form" relationship is fundamental in this approach, balancing local techniques with cultural and natural surroundings. This work offers a sustainable model for living in fragile environments, where architectural design is appropriately integrated with the place’s climatic and cultural conditions.
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