Effect of extractive content on the thermal stability of two wood species from Brazil


  • Matheus Poletto


Activation energy, Eucalyptus grandis, Pinus taeda, thermal degradation, thermogravimetric analysis.


The influence of extractive content on the thermal stability and kinetic degradation of two wood species has been investigated using chemical analysis and thermogravimetry. Two wood species were studied: Pinus taeda and Eucalyptus grandis. Thermogravimetric results showed that higher extractive contents in the wood accelerate the degradation process and promote an increase in the conversion values at lower temperatures reducing the wood thermal stability. After removing the extractives from wood the thermal stability for both wood species increased. The results also demonstrated that prior information about the wood composition can be helpful to increase the range of industrial applications
of wood.


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How to Cite

Poletto, M. (2016). Effect of extractive content on the thermal stability of two wood species from Brazil. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 18(3), 435–442. Retrieved from https://revistas.ubiobio.cl/index.php/MCT/article/view/2446


