Infrared spectroscopy of the surface of thermally-modified teak juvenile wood


  • Juliana de Oliveira Lopes
  • Rosilei Aparecida Garcia
  • Natália Dias de Souza


Cellulose crystallinity, chemical modification, heat treatment, quinone derivatives, Tectona grandis


During the thermal modification of the wood there is a decreasing gradient of temperature from the surface to its interior, therefore, the most severe chemical modifications occur on the surface. These chemical modifications directly affect the quality and durability of adhesives and coating. Therefore, this study investigated the chemical modification of the surface of thermally-modified teak juvenile wood. Heartwood and sapwood samples were treated at 180 and 200oC. Chemical analyses were performed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) in reflectance mode with a microscope. Spectra showed an increase in cellulose crystallinity and a decrease in relative contents of hydroxyl groups, lignin and extractives – especially quinones, waxes and oils – following thermal modification. Extractive content of the heartwood was relatively higher than that of sapwood. Heartwood was more susceptible to thermal degradation than sapwood.



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How to Cite

de Oliveira Lopes, J., Aparecida Garcia, R., & Dias de Souza, N. (2018). Infrared spectroscopy of the surface of thermally-modified teak juvenile wood. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 20(4), 737–746. Retrieved from




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