Effect of the thermal modification and nano-ZnO impregnation on the deterioration of Caribbean pine wood


  • Bruno Couto da Silva
  • Henrique Trevisan
  • Rosilei Aparecida Garcia


Deterioration index, mass loss, nano-zinc oxide particle, termite tunnels, wood deterioration


This study aimed to investigate the effect of thermal modification and nano-zinc oxide (nano-ZnO) particle impregnation on the deterioration of Caribbean pine wood under field conditions. Samples were thermally-modified at various temperature levels (control, 180 °C, 200 °C, and 220 °C). Nano-ZnO impregnation was done with an aqueous solution at 1,5 % in an autoclave under two-steps of pressure and vacuum. Unmodified and thermally-modified, non-impregnated and nano-ZnO-impregnated samples were exposed to deterioration for five months in field tests. A deterioration index was used to evaluate the health condition of the samples. The mass loss and occurrence of termite tunnels in percentage were also determined. The nano-ZnO impregnation improved the resistance of unmodified wood to field-deterioration. The thermal modification at 180oC and 200ºC increased the wood deterioration and nano-ZnO impregnation did not improve their resistance. Unmodified and 220 ºC-modified samples had lower mass loss by xylophages than other thermal treatments regardless of the nanoparticle impregnation. The nano-ZnO impregnation decreases the occurrence of termite tunnels in unmodified, 200 ºC and 220 ºC-modified samples.



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How to Cite

Couto da Silva, B., Trevisan, H., & Aparecida Garcia, R. (2020). Effect of the thermal modification and nano-ZnO impregnation on the deterioration of Caribbean pine wood. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 22(4), 569–576. Retrieved from https://revistas.ubiobio.cl/index.php/MCT/article/view/4243




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