Selection of superior clones of Corymbia hybrids based on wood and charcoal properties


  • Breno Assis Loureiro
  • Túlio Anselmo Sacramento Vieira
  • Luciano Junqueira Costa
  • Alanna Barishinikov Silva
  • Maíra Reis de Assis
  • Paulo Fernando Trugilho


Bioenergy, carbonization, elemental compositions, heating values, thermal characterization


The use of fast-growing trees is a good economic strategy for charcoal production. Wood with adequate chemical and physical properties generally is positively correlated with charcoal quality. The objective of this research was to evaluate wood quality from fast-growing hybrids for charcoal production. Three Corymbia citriodora x Corymbia torelliana and four Corymba torelliana x Corymba citriodora hybrid clones were evaluated. Parameters used to evaluate wood quality were wood basic density, elemental and structural chemical composition, energy efficiency and thermogravimetric analysis and the parameters evaluated for charcoal quality were apparent relative density, gravimetric yield, high heating value, proximate analysis and energy efficiency. All clones had wood basic density superior than 0.5 g cm-3 and ash inferior than 1%, which are desirable for a good quality of charcoal. Lignin content did not differ among clones with an average less than the 28% recommended for energetic use. Besides clones differed in wood parameters, as dry matter, high heating value, energy density, total extractives, holocellulose content, it did not reflect in charcoal quality differences. Wood from all clones had equal and satisfying high heating value of charcoal and energy efficiency quality for charcoal production and differed in apparent relative density and ash content.


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How to Cite

Assis Loureiro, B., Sacramento Vieira, T. A., Junqueira Costa, L., Barishinikov Silva, A., Reis de Assis, M., & Fernando Trugilho, P. (2019). Selection of superior clones of Corymbia hybrids based on wood and charcoal properties. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 21(4), 619–630. Retrieved from




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