A novel method for producing a glulam from the wood of peeler cores


  • Daniel Koynov
  • Rosen Grigorov
  • Miglena Valyova




Engineered wood, glulam, peeler cores, Populus sp., small-diameter logs


This study presents an opportunity for rational utilization of poplar wood peeler cores in the production of glued laminated timber (glulam) beams. An approach for optimal use of small-diameter raw material with a circular cross-section is also proposed in order to obtain a final product in a significantly high quantitative yield. The applied novel method of sawing the peeler cores and subsequent combination of gluing the obtained lamellas allows to achieve: reduction of labor and energy consumption in the processing; rational utilization of this waste raw material; obtaining a product sought by consumers; opportunity to implement technology for the production of glulam from peeler cores. The results showed that sawing the peeler cores and obtaining lamellas with a trapezoidal cross-section leads to a high quantitative yield of 76,3 %. The final quantitative yield in subsequent technological operations in the manufacturing of engineered wood of glulam type reaches 48,8 % of the volume of  raw material. In addition, equations have been working are used for the determination of the most suitable sizes of the lamellas, depending on the diameter and the kerf width.


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How to Cite

Koynov, D. ., Grigorov, R. ., & Valyova, M. . (2021). A novel method for producing a glulam from the wood of peeler cores. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 24, 1–8. https://doi.org/10.4067/s0718-221x2022000100404


