Physical properties of palmyra palm wood for sustainable utilization as a structural material
Borassus aethiopum, density, dimensional, moisture, palmyra, stability, structuralAbstract
Physical properties are major characteristics that validate biomaterials' adaptability to commercial utilization. The moisture content, density, swelling, and shrinkage within male and female Borassus aethiopum were assessed. Green and dry moisture content, and density were tested with the oven-dry method while swelling and shrinkage were evaluated using the water-saturation test and oven-dry methods respectively. Unlike moisture content, density decreased towards the crowns and radially from the peripheries to their cores. Directional swelling decreased as: Radial > Tangential > Longitudinal. Volumetric swelling was greatest at the core of the base (6,99 %) but at least at the periphery within the middle of the male (2,89 %). However, the female recorded much swelling at the core of its mid-portion (6,23 %) and least (4,01 %) at the crown periphery. Directional shrinkage decreased identically as the male variety while the volumetric shrinkage for both varieties was not consistent. The peripheries had less moisture content, better dimensional stability and density (which influences wood strength) at the butt than those of the core indicating the peripheries would maintain its original dimension and strength when subjected to environmental changes and be more viable for structural works than the core.
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