Relationship between ability of emotional metacognition, life value and anxiety level in employees of a school in Concepcion, Chile.

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Cristina Arriagada Allaire


Considering the importance given in recent years to emotional development in education, and to indicators of subjective welfare of education professionals, a research that seeks to measure the level of emotional knowledge skills, life value and anxiety, in teaching and nonteaching staff of an educational institution is carried out in order to analyze the relationship between these variables. The method used was based on a transectional descriptive correlational design, involving 80 participants (55 women and 25 men), whose average age was 39 years old.

The instruments used were the TMMS-24 to measure emotional meta-knowledge, the LOT-R test to measure orientation towards life, and the anxiety scale of the DASS- 21. The results show moderately high indicators of emotional metacognition, mostly optimistic orientation to life, and low anxiety levels. Statistically significant correlations between subdimensions are observed, but not in global variables. It is concluded that the questionnaires, being self-reported, could have been subject to social desirability, since the results in general do not coincide with what was indicated in the theoretical studies. It is relevant to highlight the existence of positive, significant and moderate correlation between optimism as orientation to life and emotional repair.

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How to Cite
Arriagada Allaire, C. (2018). Relationship between ability of emotional metacognition, life value and anxiety level in employees of a school in Concepcion, Chile. Revista Reflexión E Investigación Educacional, 1(2), 35–51.
Author Biography

Cristina Arriagada Allaire, Universidad del Desarrollo

Psicóloga. Egresada del área de Psicología Educacional


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