School experience as a dimension generating interest in the teaching profession

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Marcela Rivas Valenzuela


The interest in knowing the characteristics of suitable students for the conformation of teaching teams has generated interest in educational research focused on identifying potential traits according to the pedagogical professional profile. A relevant aspect in the identification of interest in the teaching profession are the school experiences that promote, within the students’ academic trajectory, a generating environment of sympathy and taste for the teaching career and its professional role. This study presents results based on the proposed topic. Additionally, the research has been carried out within the framework of a program of special access to teaching programs, implemented in a state university in the Ñuble region in Chile, and in which students who belong to this program participated. The objective of the research is to identify the experiences that generate interest in the profession; therefore the methodology considers a qualitative structure, with a phenomenological approach, which seeks to investigate the meanings participants make regarding their main reasons. The data analysis has allowed the emergence of categories that respond to the objective proposed in the research and that considers the school experience as a foreseeable generating dimension of interest.

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How to Cite
Rivas Valenzuela, M. (2020). School experience as a dimension generating interest in the teaching profession. Revista Reflexión E Investigación Educacional, 2(2), 53–65.


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