Culture and organizational performance: contrasts between high and low simce’ score in Ñuble Highscools

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Cristian Guzmán Suazo


The purpose of this research is to analyze the culture and organizational performance of municipal schools in the, recently created, Ñuble county, Chile. Within these schools, a distinction between municipal schools will be made, those in the top 25% and those in the bottom 25% of SIMCE test results in the last 5 years. Two schools are analyzed, one in Chillán and the other one in San Nicolás, considering 80 teachers in total. In both cases, the characteristics of the organizational culture, established by the Denison model, are analyzed, through a quantitative comparative study between the sub-dimensions involvement, consistency, adaptability, and mission, as well as an analysis of the organizational performance perceived by its members. Based on the results obtained, it is observed that both schools have a perception of organizational performance focused on flexibility and stability; In addition, significant differences are obtained in some dimensions, where one of the schools has a more developed perception of culture in contrast to the other. It is concluded that more studies should be carried out on the evaluation of teachers and the school organization as a whole, for education.

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How to Cite
Guzmán Suazo, C. (2021). Culture and organizational performance: contrasts between high and low simce’ score in Ñuble Highscools. Revista Reflexión E Investigación Educacional, 3(2), 83–101.


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