Beliefs about creativity in Physical Education teachers in Training

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Jorge Alberto Parra Barrios


Creativity is a human capacity that has become very relevant as a 21st-century skill. The objective of this work was to explore the beliefs of Physical Education teachers in training about creativity and the goals of human development that they prioritize within their teaching work. A qualitative approach with a descriptive scope and a phenomenographic design was used in a sample of 47 future Physical Education teachers from two Chilean universities, in their last years of training. The data was collected through an individual written survey or "ideographic matrix" to be later analyzed in two phases: the first phase of content analysis and then a phase of organization of beliefs in means or ends through a laddering technique. The main results indicate that beliefs are organized from the most concrete (means) to the most abstract (ends), with the ultimate goal being the use of creativity for the physical/organic improvement of the student body and as the second most relevant purpose, to achieve greater motivation and participation of the student body. It is concluded that what future Physical Education teachers think about creativity and its use in classes, is oriented towards instrumental use, leaving out many of the benefits for the comprehensive development of students, showing the pending task for teacher training. and the incorporation of creativity into the work of educating in the 21st century.

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How to Cite
Parra Barrios, J. A. (2023). Beliefs about creativity in Physical Education teachers in Training. Revista Reflexión E Investigación Educacional, 4(2), 41–56.
Author Biography

Jorge Alberto Parra Barrios, Universidad del Bío-Bío

Profesor de Educación física. Magister en Educación


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