The human being in the flow of encounter and respect

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Felipe Marín Álvarez


This writing presents the importance of considering the human being as the main manager of transformations based on the flow of emotions in the encounter with the other. This idea is thought from a focus on diversity and interculturality in Chile and the relevance of the human being as an agent of change. In addition, a brief review of nomadic people and their relationship with emotional aspects are presented to understand the constant geographical changes that they experienced and, with this, to understand the changes of the present. Finally, the idea is raised that this agent of change connects, flows, and allows progress toward the construction of a better world.

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How to Cite
Marín Álvarez, F. (2023). The human being in the flow of encounter and respect. Revista Reflexión E Investigación Educacional, 4(2), 109–120.
Reflexiones Pedagógicas
Author Biography

Felipe Marín Álvarez, Universidad Andrés Bello

This writing presents the importance of considering the human being as the main manager of transformations based on the flow of emotions in the encounter with the other. This idea is thought from a focus on diversity and interculturality in Chile and the relevance of the human being as an agent of change. In addition, a brief review of nomadic people and their relationship with emotional aspects are presented to understand the constant geographical changes that they experienced and, with this, to understand the changes of the present. Finally, the idea is raised that this agent of change connects, flows, and allows progress toward the construction of a better world.


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