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This research seeks to understand the immersion experience in the teaching practice of novice secondary school teachers, based on their own narratives, in order to provide feedback for the teacher training and professional development processes. Specific objectives arise, such as describing experiences in their professional beginnings, identifying facilitators and hindrances in the professional immersion expressed by novice teachers. A qualitative approach based on narrative hermeneutic phenomenology is proposed, considering six novice teachers of History and Geography and Natural Sciences with mention, who work in municipal and private subsidized schools in the Ñuble Region. For the collection of information, narrative conversations will be used, which will be analyzed based on the meaning condensation technique. The findings show the relationship between initial teacher training programs, pedagogical overload and premature desertion from the educational system. Likewise, the key aspects that influence the permanence of young teachers in their early professional development are identified. This study intends to contribute to the educational system, mainly to the FID programs, with recommendations that contribute to the improvement of these practices and requirements, taking into account the diverse and current contextual needs.
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