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Paulina Andrea Pedreros Núñez
Ricardo Castro Cáceres


Social representations allow us to understand the knowledge that is produced in communicative interaction, which takes place in a social context. The covid-19 pandemic and the sanitary measures taken at the school level had an impact on the social relations of students and on school coexistence. Coexistence is one of the key axes for the development of learning in educational communities, to promote democracy, inclusion, participation and peaceful conflict resolution. The objective of this research is to understand the construction of social representations about the school life of high school students from four educational establishments in Concepción. The methodology was developed from a comprehensive interpretative paradigm, with a qualitative approach; Semi-structured group interviews were used as an instrument for preparing information, which were analyzed through the thematic categorical analysis technique, where school coexistence was established as the main theme. For this, Nvivo was used as support software for the análisis carried out. The representations of the students were configured around the subjectivity of identity construction, communication and the norms that regulate the interactions within the school contexts.


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Pedreros Núñez, P. A., & Castro Cáceres, R. (2024). SOCIAL REPRESENTATIONS OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN SCHOOL COEXISTENCE DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Revista Reflexión E Investigación Educacional, 6–20. Retrieved from


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