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PROBLEM: one of the most significant innovations that educational assessment has undergone is the transition from paper-and-pencil to online testing. This shift has generated a number of perceptions, challenges, and opportunities that merit in-depth inquiry. OBJECTIVE: to provide a comprehensive view of observers' perceptions of online testing. METHOD: qualitative in approach and descriptive in scope. Collective case study design. The instrument was an online questionnaire, with an open-ended question at the end, where chaperones shared comments of their own about the online assessment process. RESULTS: the study reveals very specific positions of the persons accompanying the evaluation process with respect to the importance of educational technology in the education of young Guatemalans; they value the efforts and support provided both by the Ministry of Education and by those responsible in each educational center. They mainly qualify the process developed as effective, successful and meaningful for the graduating students. Among the aspects to be improved, support for the establishment of technological infrastructure in the country's educational centers stands out. CONCLUSION: The perception of those accompanying the Graduandos 2023 evaluation process about the online tests is favorable; they consider technology a central element in the integral formation of young graduates. However, they recognize areas that require improvement to guarantee a more equitable and effective evaluation process in Guatemala.
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