An estimate of overheating risk and cooling potential using natural ventilation in single-family dwellings in coastal chilean cities


  • Massimo Palme Escuela de Arquitectura, Universidad Católica del Norte, Antofagasta
  • Claudio Carrasco-Aldunate Universidad de Valparaiso, Facultad de Ingenieria
  • Miguel Angel Galvez Huerta Universidad Federico Santamaria, Facultad de Arquitectura


ventilation, cooling, houses


This article presents a proposal to evaluate cooling demand and passive cooling capacity using natural ventilation in social housing. The proposal is founded on EN ISO 13790:2008, which uses a semi- dynamic calculation method. The dwellings evaluated have double casement windows in the two main facades, which are oriented N-S, E-W, NW-SE and NE-SW. Two possible internal distributions were tested: poorly-connected and well-connected. The locations evaluated have a variety of climates: from the northern deserts to the weather of central and southern Chile with more defined seasonal variability. The cities included in the study are: Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta, La Serena, Valparaíso, Concepción, Valdivia and Puerto Montt. The results show that cooling demand is present in the majority of the locations analyzed and the average capacity for heat evacuation by natural ventilation is between 20% and 80% of this demand, thereby demonstrating the usefulness of breezes for building and city cooling in Chile. 


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Author Biography

Massimo Palme, Escuela de Arquitectura, Universidad Católica del Norte, Antofagasta

Ingeniero en Materiales, Universidad de Trieste, Italia

Doctor en Arquitectura, Energía y Medio Ambiente, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, España

Profesor Asociado, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile

Profesor Visitante, Universidad de Roma La Sapienza

Investigador Principal, Fondecyt Iniciación 2014

Investigador Visitante, Instituto Nacional de Eficiencia Energética y Energía Renovable, Ecuador




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How to Cite

Palme, M., Carrasco-Aldunate, C., & Galvez Huerta, M. A. (2016). An estimate of overheating risk and cooling potential using natural ventilation in single-family dwellings in coastal chilean cities. Sustainable Habitat, 6(2), 52–61. Retrieved from


