Architecture research trends between 2016-2020 in the SCOPUS database, and their relationship with the creation of research groups




sustainability, bioclimatic architecture, bibliometrics, research trends


The interest in making research more dynamic within universities has evidenced the need for the creation of research groups. In this sense, the purpose of this article is to establish a relationship between the data obtained from bibliometrics and the profile and interest of Architecture Faculty researchers, to identify research niches that guide their work. This research was carried out through a systematic review and use of scientific production bibliometric tools in the last five years within the architecture domain in the SCOPUS database. The research made used five steps that guided the process: search; evaluation; synthesis; analysis; and monitoring. Through the search process, 1,465 scientific documents were obtained, analyzed with the Bibliometrix web application using indicators that allowed obtaining the results, to connect them to both teaching interests and profiles. The analysis identified that sustainability, design, and energy efficiency are topics of interest and constitute trending topics to promote the work and the constitution of research groups.


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Author Biographies

Claudia Costa-De los Reyes, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Loja, Ecuador.

Master in Construction, Professor at the School of Architecture.

Silvia Viñán-Ludeña, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Loja, Ecuador.

Master of Architecture, Professor in the School of Architecture

María Isabel Vivanco-Villavicencio, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Loja, Ecuador.

Master in Sustainable Habitat and Energy Efficiency, Lecturer at the School of Architecture.

Fernando Moncayo-Serrano, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Loja, Ecuador.

Master's Degree in Construction, Lecturer at the School of Architecture


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How to Cite

Costa-De los Reyes, C., Viñán-Ludeña, S., Vivanco-Villavicencio, M. I., & Moncayo-Serrano, F. (2021). Architecture research trends between 2016-2020 in the SCOPUS database, and their relationship with the creation of research groups. Sustainable Habitat, 11(2), 46–59.


