Optimization of classroom design: use of natural light for visual comfort in Villa María, Argentina
daylighting, visual comfort, glare, educational buildingsAbstract
The present work addresses the problem of natural lighting in educational buildings, focusing on the study of natural lighting strategies that contribute to reaching recommended levels of lighting comfort in classrooms, correct light distribution and glare reduction. In this framework, a building on the campus of the National University of Villa María, Córdoba, Argentina, was analyzed in which the behavior of natural lighting was evaluated using simulation models and in situ measurements. The work was complemented by evaluating the Daylight Glare Probability (DGP) index: verifying the occurrence of glare. The diagnosis showed excess lighting at points close to openings, insufficient lighting at points far from them, low levels of uniformity in the distribution of natural lighting and intolerable glare thresholds. Consequently, a new arrangement of the classroom was proposed, incorporating elements for the redirection of sunlight and its performance was verified. The results of the proposal showed important differences. A significant reduction in lighting levels was achieved, reaching levels of visual comfort for classrooms (300-500 average lux), improvements in the uniformity of natural light, with its consequent verification according to standards, and a significant reduction in glare levels due to penetration direct sun.
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