Use and presentation of sustainable potentialities in the Ambato city center urban movement model




means of transport, urban mobility, sustainable mobility, urban improvement


The intensified urbanization process of recent decades has highlighted the need to plan cities, suitably considering people’s mobility. The goal of this article is to analyze the mobility conditions of Ambato city center using a sustainability approach. The methodology used was based on a theoretical review and analysis of official documents, fieldwork, and observation records. The results were obtained by analyzing objective and technical variables that show the study area’s potentialities and weaknesses to develop active and less polluting modes of transport. A reflection on the characteristics of pedestrians, cyclists, and mass public transport is presented to propose management strategies that aim at strengthening the current mobility model.


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Author Biographies

Andrea Cristina Goyes-Balladares, Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Ambato, Ecuador.

Civil Engineer, Research Professor

Roberto Carlos Moya-Jiménez, Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Ambato, Ecuador.

Designer, Research Professor


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How to Cite

Goyes-Balladares, A. C., & Moya-Jiménez, R. C. . (2022). Use and presentation of sustainable potentialities in the Ambato city center urban movement model. Sustainable Habitat, 12(2), 66–83.


