Thermal analysis of lightweight wattle and daub walls for different design temperatures in Argentina




wattle-and-daub, thermal conductivity, indoor comfort


The thermal performance of lightweight wattle and daub walls is analyzed in different bioclimatic zones of Argentina, presenting them as a sustainable alternative to other construction materials. The thermal conductivities of the wattle and daub (0.07 W/mK) and plaster (0.34 W/mK) infill were experimentally determined, yielding an overall thermal transmittance of 0.79 W/m²K for walls with a thickness of 15.6 cm. In situ measurements conducted in a dwelling demonstrated the ability of lightweight wattle and daub walls to maintain interior thermal stability with significantly lower thermal amplitude than outside. A comparative analysis with solid and hollow bricks concluded that wattle and daub walls require less thickness to achieve optimal insulation levels, making them suitable for different bioclimatic zones. This construction technique is replicable within the Argentinian context, with its thermal efficiency, sustainability, and indoor comfort standing out, with future opportunities to explore its fire resistance.


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Author Biographies

Maria Guadalupe Cuitiño-Rosales, National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) - National University of Cuyo (UNCuyo)

Doctor in Exact Sciences
Adjunct Researcher at the Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences for Industry (ICAI)

Alejandro Domínguez, National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI)

Graphic Designer
Technology Transfer Operational Deputy Manager Technological Development and Innovation Management. Coordinator of the Bioarchitecture line of work in the Sustainable Technologies Area

Gabriel Vaccaro, National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI)

Bachelor's Degree in Communication
Coordinator of the Medical Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Strategic Roundtable

Victoria Di-Cesare, National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI)

Industrial Designer
Responsible for the Industrial and Sustainable Design area, Cuyo Regional Sub-management.


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How to Cite

Cuitiño-Rosales, M. G., Domínguez, . A., Vaccaro, G., & Di-Cesare, V. (2024). Thermal analysis of lightweight wattle and daub walls for different design temperatures in Argentina. Sustainable Habitat, 14(2), 134–147.




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