Building participatory processes to reduce the risk of flooding in la Hacienda, Puebla, Mexico.




risk management, participation, organization, floods, resilience


There are serious difficulties associated with using social participation to prevent the risk of flooding in a context of societal- governmental relations based on: mistrust, a legal framework focused primarily on addressing emergencies, and generalized social apathy and disorganization with regards to taking part in participatory processes. This situation has been observed in the La Hacienda neighborhood, in the Municipality of Puebla, Mexico, where despite its location in a high-risk flood zone and its 1,174 inhabitants, no significant work has been done to reduce the area ́s risk status. Using action research, this study analyzes the main actions that have been taken by authorities from the Municipality of Puebla to reduce the risk of flooding, and the incipient process of citizen participation in the said neighborhood. Creating the conditions to carry out organized participatory work by authorities and inhabitants to address small-scale risk zones is seen as an urgent action in order to make progress in the construction of a society resilient to floods.


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Author Biography


Profesora investigadora de Posgrado de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla


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How to Cite

Flores-Lucero, M. de L. (2018). Building participatory processes to reduce the risk of flooding in la Hacienda, Puebla, Mexico. Urbano, 21(37), 08–17.


