Participatory cartography and the production of social data in heritage landscapes: Possibilities for the community reuse of the Enacar Ruins, Chambeque, Lota, (Chile)
participatory cartography, industrial heritage, community use, historic sites preservation, cultural assetsAbstract
The objective of this research is to provide primary input for possible cultural and tourist reuse of the heritage and mining landscape of the ENACAR Ruins, Chambeque, Lota Alto, Chile. To this end, a collective, cartographic exercise was planned in which inhabitants, local organizations and academic actors interested in exploring the uses and appropriations of the heritage by local citizens participated. The participatory mapping was conducted over several working sessions with the technical support of academics and professionals specialized in industrial heritage. The activities carried out consisted in the historical, current and future analysis of the site. Graphic support was provided through historical photographs of the workers engaged in their industrial work, which facilitated the affective connection with the space, and a presentation with photographs of the site and its buildings in their current state of conservation. Nearly one hundred local actors attended these sessions, which made it possible to collect heterogeneous visions regarding the territory, its value as industrial heritage and possible uses for its cultural and tourist reuse.
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