Territorial planning and sustainability of an oasis. The case of the master plan of Topater in Calama


  • Gino Pérez Lancellotti Universidad Católica del Norte
  • Claudio Pavez Urquhart Minvu Segunda Región de Antofagasta
  • Javier Jiménez Bolados Minvu Segunda Región de Antofagasta


territorial planning, arid zones, urban growth, sustainability


One of the least explored topics in our country is the matter of how cities located on arid areas should grow, what are the aspects to consider in order to guide this urban phenomenon and which elements of the landscape can give us indications for their intervention. In summary, what happens when cities grow and expand rapidly, extending their urban limits with no control over a desert territory?

This article analyses this urban phenomenon and discusses the most appropriate instruments to organize the desert territory and ways for facing future urban growth in arid zones.


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How to Cite

Pérez Lancellotti, G., Pavez Urquhart, C., & Jiménez Bolados, J. (2008). Territorial planning and sustainability of an oasis. The case of the master plan of Topater in Calama. Urbano, 11(17), 7–14. Retrieved from https://revistas.ubiobio.cl/index.php/RU/article/view/357



Asuntos Urbanos Nacionales