Analysis of building uses and population in three typical urban areas of Santiago, Chile




typical zone, citizen movements, land uses, social fabric


Heritage protection in Chile, in the last 20 years, has been strongly influenced by citizen movements, who seek to maintain the identity of their neighborhoods, using the instrument of Typical Zone (ZT) as a protection tool. In principle, a central objective of these actions is to maintain the housing destination as a mechanism to preserve the social fabric. However, in several TZs, the housing facades conceal a diversity of uses. This situation raises doubts regarding the effectiveness of the regulatory tool in relation to the aspirations of the communities. In this sense, the objective of the research was to analyze the changes in the residential character of three neighborhoods after their designation as ZT. The methods used included registration in GIS mapping of land uses for the year 2024 using information from the Internal Revenue Service; these data were complemented with population data from the 2002 and 2017 Censuses. The results point out that the ZT instrument is far from guaranteeing the pursued preservation of the social fabric. These conclusions emphasize the importance of rethinking heritage protection instruments in pericentral areas, so as to aim for a balance between investment attraction and the desired neighborhood identity pursued by communities.


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Author Biographies

Matías Gonzalo Leal-Yáñez, Gabriela Mistral University, Santiago, Chile.

Master in Urbanism
PhD student in Architecture and Urbanism, University of Bío-Bío - Academic Coordinator School of Architecture.

María Isabel López-Meza, University of Bío-Bío, Concepción, Chile.

Doctor in Urban Development
Director of the Center for Territorial and Interdisciplinary Studies CETI - Millennium Nucleus Researcher NupatS ID NCS2024_014


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How to Cite

Leal-Yáñez, M. G., & López-Meza, M. I. (2024). Analysis of building uses and population in three typical urban areas of Santiago, Chile. Urbano, 27(50), 100–113.


