Fragmented or disintegrated city? Urban models applied to intermediate Mexican cities from the perspective of geodemography




utopian cities, intermediate cities, data analysis, residential segregation, urban modeling


Urban models are fundamental in the theoretical and empirical discussions about cities. However, the Latin American city models proposed by German geographers have not been questioned much despite their use, and there are few studies outside the large metropolitan areas. Therefore, this article, using geodemography, seeks to identify whether there is a residential structure pattern in the intermediate cities of Mexico's National Urban System. This methodological proposal looks to use new spatial analysis tools focused on lifestyles and the study of one of the great layers that urban models have: their residential structure. The results show that, firstly, using the models and their temporalities as a kaleidoscope, it is possible to identify the multiple patterns of cities and not just a single model. Secondly, a new disintegrated pattern appears where the classical models of the Chicago School are unrecognizable, and the fragmented city is left disintegrated.


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Author Biography

Ricardo Gómez-Maturano, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Miguel Hidalgo, México.

PhD in Urban Planning.
Research Professor at the School of Engineering and Architecture.


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How to Cite

Gómez-Maturano, R. (2024). Fragmented or disintegrated city? Urban models applied to intermediate Mexican cities from the perspective of geodemography. Urbano, 27(49), 108–121.


