Modeling of transient mass transfer of a gaseous component in an isothermal porous adsorbent


  • Anélie Pétrissans LERMAB
  • Bajil Ouartassi LERMAB
  • André Zoulalian LERMAB
  • Mathieu Pétrissans Université Nancy


adsorption, diffusion, mass transfer, modeling, porous solid, wood


The present study is avoided to a better understanding of the complexity of the adsorption process of a gaseous constituent on a porous solid (wood) with the purpose to improve the modeling. During the sorption on the porous solid, the diffusion mass transfer of the gaseous substance A occurs simultaneously in gaseous and adsorbed phases. The mass balance equations are written for the simultaneous diffusion transfers. The thermodynamic equilibrium between the phases is also represented. Four different models have been compared. Numerical results have been compared with experimental data and show that the hypothesis of equilibrium conditions between the gaseous and the adsorbed phases is not always verified.


Author Biographies

Anélie Pétrissans, LERMAB

LERMAB, UHP Nancy I, BP 239, 54506 Vandoeuvre les Nancy, Nancy. France.

Bajil Ouartassi, LERMAB

LERMAB, UHP Nancy I, BP 239, 54506 Vandoeuvre les Nancy, Nancy. France.

André Zoulalian, LERMAB

LERMAB, UHP Nancy I, BP 239, 54506 Vandoeuvre les Nancy, Nancy. France.

Mathieu Pétrissans, Université Nancy

LERMAB, Université Nancy 2, IUT Hubert Curien, 88000 Epinal, Epinal. France.

How to Cite

Pétrissans, A., Ouartassi, B., Zoulalian, A., & Pétrissans, M. (2014). Modeling of transient mass transfer of a gaseous component in an isothermal porous adsorbent. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 12(2), 115–126. Retrieved from




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