Using a parametric study to analyse the performance of wood solar dryers with glazed walls


  • Naoual Bekkioui
  • André Zoulalian
  • Abdelillah Hakam
  • Hamid EZ-Zahraouy


Drying curves, drying operating parameters, drying time, mass transfer coefficient, solar drying


Parameters characterizing wood and air were studied in order to analyze the performance of a wood solar dryer functioning under Moroccan climate. A mathematical model based on the climate data of Rabat city was used to investigate theoretically the wood drying process. Two wood speciesthuya (Tetraclinis articulate) and pine (Pinus pinaster)-were examined in the present study. The results obtained by computer simulations are in good agreement with the experimental values. Furthermore, our findings indicate that the use of a global mass transfer coefficient for low temperature convective and homogenous drying conditions allows the influence of the principal operating parameters (wood thickness, wood density, air temperature, air velocity and ventilation mode) on the drying time to be estimated with great accuracy. Analyses pertaining to the two studied wood species revealed that(1) pine dries more quickly than thuya, (2) the drying process is faster in the summer relative to other seasons, (3) increasing the air velocity by 100% results in a 20% reduction in the drying time, and (4) continued ventilation reduces the drying time by 43%.



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How to Cite

Bekkioui, N., Zoulalian, A., Hakam, A., & EZ-Zahraouy, H. (2017). Using a parametric study to analyse the performance of wood solar dryers with glazed walls. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 19(4), 463–470. Retrieved from




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