Recycling wood waste from construction and demolition to produce particleboards


  • Rafael da Rosa Azambuja
  • Vinicius Gomes de Castro
  • Rosilani Trianoski
  • Setsuo Iwakiri


Mechanical properties, physical properties, urea-formaldehyde, wood panels, wood residue


The objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of construction and demolition (C&D) waste wood for production of particleboard. The raw material was obtained from a waste recycling company and it was divided into four types of materials: MDF (medium density fiberboard), MDP (medium density particleboard), plywood and timber. After reduction of these wood product residues to particles, particleboards were produced, in the UFPR Laboratory, with urea-formaldehyde resin and a target density of 0.75 g / cm³ and their physical and mechanical properties were determined. Particleboards made from industrial Pinus spp. particles were also produced as control samples. C&D wood waste showed potential for use as raw material for particleboard. The properties of particleboard made of recycled timber, MDP, plywood and the mixture of the four sources of material indicated that particleboard industries could use these waste resources for production of the inner layer of MDP products.


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How to Cite

da Rosa Azambuja, R., Gomes de Castro, V., Trianoski, R., & Iwakiri, S. (2018). Recycling wood waste from construction and demolition to produce particleboards. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 20(4), 681–690. Retrieved from




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