Determination of the physical and mechanical properties of wood-cement boards produced with Pinus spp and pozzolans waste


  • Adauto José Miranda de Lima
  • Setsuo Iwakiri
  • Rosilani Trianoski


Compressive strength, construction materials, internal bond, particleboards, pozzolans, swelling, wood waste


The objective of this research was to evaluate the physical-mechanical properties of wood-cement boards produced with waste particles of Pinus spp. and sufficient levels of pozzolans to assimilate all Ca(OH)2 produced during the hydration reactions of Portland cement. The pozzolans used were: silica fume, metakaolin, rice husk ash, and calcined ceramic waste. The values of the pozzolans were determined based on the theoretical determination of the Ca(OH)2 content produced by the hydration reactions of Portland cement. The pozzolanic activity index was determined by the modified Chapelle test, according to NBR15895:2010 and NF18-513:2010 standards. The boards were produced through cold compression, and the test specimens were produced and tested for physical and mechanical properties at 28/91 days of curing, according to ASTM-1037:2012, EN-317:1993, NBR-9778:2005 and ASTM-642:2002 standards. The minimum values employed in the Bison® commercial process were used as reference for the physical-mechanical characterization. The boards produced presented good physical-mechanical properties even with high levels of replacement of cement by pozzolans. These properties were similar to the ones presented by the reference boards, despite the significant reduction in the specific mass of the prototype boards, which demonstrates the technological possibility of use of these materials in the production of wood-cement boards.


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How to Cite

Miranda de Lima, A. J., Iwakiri, S., & Trianoski, R. (2020). Determination of the physical and mechanical properties of wood-cement boards produced with Pinus spp and pozzolans waste. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 22(4), 527–536. Retrieved from




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