Particle image velocimetry technique for analysis of retractibility in woods of Pinus elliottii


  • Eduardo Hélio de Novais Miranda
  • Rayner Pathele Ferreira
  • Rodrigo Allan Pereira
  • Taiane Oliveira Guedes
  • Fernando Pujaico Rivera



drying, image analysis, non-destructive techniques, physical properties, Pinus elliottii


The aim of this work was to verify the ability to use the Particle Image Velocimetry technique for measurements of dimensional variations resulting from wood retractability of Pinus elliottii wood, initially saturated and with the surface marked with multiple dots of ink randomly distributed, was used in this work to apply the Particle Image Velocimetry technique. The specimens were dried and images were captured during the process. The images obtained were processed by the Particle Image Velocimetry algorithm and the deformations that occurred were calculated. For comparison, a conventional method (pachymeter) was used to measure the dimensions of the specimen during drying. The variation in dimensions obtained on the surface of the specimens from the Particle Image Velocimetry technique was 2,28 % for the radial direction and 0,20 % for the longitudinal direction of the fibers. With the standardized method, these values ​​were 2,18 % for the radial direction and 0,21 % for longitudinal. The reduction in the average area of ​​the specimens was 3,85 % by the Particle Image Velocimetry technique and 3,77 % by the conventional methodology. It was concluded that the Particle Image Velocimetry technique was able to accurately measure the displacements on the surface of the Pinus elliottii specimens, resulting in values ​​statistically similar to those reached through the use of the conventional measurement method, demonstrating its reliability.




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How to Cite

de Novais Miranda, E. H. ., Pathele Ferreira, R. ., Allan Pereira, R. ., Oliveira Guedes, T. ., & Pujaico Rivera, F. . (2021). Particle image velocimetry technique for analysis of retractibility in woods of Pinus elliottii. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 23, 1–8.



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