Evaluation of bean residues in the production of agglomerated panels


  • Eduardo Hélio de Novais Miranda
  • Diogo Antonio Correa Gomes
  • Ana Carolina Corrêa Furtini Corrêa Furtini
  • Denisse Concepción Vega Villarruel
  • Carolina Aparecida dos Santos
  • Lourival Marin Mendes
  • José Benedito Guimarães Júnior




Agglomerates, agricultural residues, Pinus oocarpa, sustainability, urea-formaldehyde


This work aimed to evaluate the physical-mechanical properties of Pinus oocarpa wood agglomerated panels produced with different levels (0 %, 25 %, 50 %, 75 % and 100 %) of wood replacement with bean residues. For this purpose, Pinus oocarpa wood and the agricultural residue were reduced into particles and their properties of apparent density, extractives, lignin and ash content of these raw materials were determined. Then, the particles were dried to a 3 % humidity and granulometrically selected to produce panels with a density of 0,60 g/cm3. These particles were bonded using 12 % urea-formaldehyde adhesive, pressed, following normative dimensions (250 mm x 250 mm x 15 mm (width, length, and thickness)), and kept in a climate-controlled environment (20 ºC ± 2 ºC and 65 % ± 5 % RH) until the physical and mechanical tests were carried out. The research results indicated that the particles from bean residues in comparison with Pinus oocarpa wood, presented low density, lignin and holocellulose values, and higher extractives data. Furthermore, regarding the characterization of the panels, there was a trend towards uniformity in the apparent density values, an increase in the properties of compact ratio, water absorption and thickness swelling, and a decrease in their mechanical properties associated with the increase in the by-product addition to the panels. Therefore, new studies are necessary, seeking a larger study and greater knowledge of the addition effects of bean residues in particulate panels, aiming the dissemination of this sustainable process on large scale.


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How to Cite

de Novais Miranda, E. H. ., Correa Gomes, D. A. ., Corrêa Furtini, A. C. C. F., Vega Villarruel, D. C. ., Aparecida dos Santos, C. ., Marin Mendes, L. ., & Guimarães Júnior, J. B. . (2023). Evaluation of bean residues in the production of agglomerated panels. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 25, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.4067/s0718-221x2023000100432




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