Wood polymer composite bonded veneer based hybrid composites


  • Siddhartha Arya
  • Shakti Chauhan
  • Ritesh Kumar
  • Bhushan Kelkar




Hybrid composite, laminated veneer lumber, Melia dubia, plywood, wood polymer composite


Wood veneer based composites have a great demand in present market as the material can  utilize small diameter plantation timbers grown at short rotation cycle. This paper presents preparation and characterization of hybrid composites made of wood veneer and wood polymer composite. The study explored utilization of wood polymer composite as an adhesive for bonding veneers replacing formaldehyde-based adhesives. Wood polymer composite containing 40 % bamboo particles embedded in the matrix of polypropylene was used in sheet form to bind the veneers of Melia dubia wood. The composites were prepared in both laminated veneer lumber and plywood configurations. The assessment of physical and mechanical properties indicated that the properties of wood polymer composite contribute significantly to the properties of the hybrid composites. The density of the resultant composites was significantly higher (0,69 g/cm3 – 0,75 g/cm3) than conventional plywood or laminated veneer lumber. Among mechanical properties, there was no statistical difference in tensile and flexural strength of plywood and laminated veneer lumber configuration. Modulus of elasticity and compressive strength of laminated veneer lumber configuration were significantly higher than plywood. Glue shear strength and internal bond strength of the composites indicated acceptable bonding properties of wood polymer composite which suggests the potential application of these composites as a binding agent for wood veneers. These composites could be a special class of laminated composites with no formaldehyde emission hazards.


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How to Cite

Arya, S. ., Chauhan, S. ., Kumar, R. ., & Kelkar, B. . (2023). Wood polymer composite bonded veneer based hybrid composites. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 25, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.4067/s0718-221x2023000100440


