Psychopedagogical proposal for families with Williams syndrome’s children

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Claro Wenseslao Estrada Bisbe


In recent decades, psychopedagogy has centred his scope on family, social and work issues in the school. This approach to family creates the need to treat new diseases known as rare conditions, due to its low incidence. Williams syndrome is a genetic disorder of neural development, and has been scarcely explored in terms of research. In addition, there is a lack of specialized information, lack of networking and resources to deal with it. According to some reports, there are obstacles to access to specialists diagnostic, and treatments such as early stimulation, physical therapy or psychological support. The overall objective of this study is to make a psychopedagogical proposal based on the Feuerstein’s theory of Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) for health and education professionals to be able to work with families of children with Williams Syndrome at an early stage of treatment.

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How to Cite
Estrada Bisbe, C. W. (2018). Psychopedagogical proposal for families with Williams syndrome’s children. Revista Reflexión E Investigación Educacional, 1(1), 93–105.
Reflexiones Pedagógicas


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