Motivation in teachers of secondary education

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José María Roa Venegas
Carmen Fernández Prados


This research work aims to signify the importance of motivation in the teaching work, and especially in the Compulsory Secondary Education (CSE). The proposed objective has been conducting a pilot study, of descriptive character, in order to know the motivation with which teachers carry out their professional work. Data from one hundred teachers were collected through a questionnaire of twenty questions to determine the elements involved in this motivation. The results showed that 49% of teachers did not feel motivated in their professional practice; and of the main components found, the least motivating was: The lack of support from the political and educational authorities; as well as the working conditions; together with the low participation, preparation, and interest shown by the students, and the low teaching “vocation”. However, what motivated them most was the psychoeducational involvement with the students and the professional promotion and commitment with education, as well as the technical preparation of the teachers. A clear conclusion from this work that there is a need for effective action by public authorities and educational authorities to minimize the negative factors affecting professional motivation.

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How to Cite
Roa Venegas, J. M., & Fernández Prados, C. (2020). Motivation in teachers of secondary education. Revista Reflexión E Investigación Educacional, 2(2), 66–77.


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