Attitude and motivation in professional training students

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Carmen Fernández Prados


The socio-academic and labor consideration of Vocational Training in recent decades has led to an important change in the model, both in the educational world and in the workplace, in need of a substantial transformation to face new challenges. Within this context and at the educational level, the objective of this work has been the description and explanation of the variables involved in motivation, in order to determine the motivational elements in the teaching-learning process for the training of future professionals. For this purpose, the study has been carried out using 103 participants from two Vocational Training Centers and at the three levels: Basic Vocational Training Cycle, Middle Grade Training Cycle and Higher-Grade Training Cycle. The results have shown the influence that the “needs” and the “conflicts” produced by those needs, have been the determining elements of Motivation, beyond the “satisfaction” of learning. It has been intended to provide information for possible interventions in the methodological and curricular field in the training of future professionals in the labor world.

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How to Cite
Fernández Prados, C. (2021). Attitude and motivation in professional training students. Revista Reflexión E Investigación Educacional, 3(2), 33–45.


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