The new teachers as a product of positive education
Main Article Content
The present work presents an education proposal focused on the well-being, both of the student body and also of the teaching staff and the educational community in general. An education that contributes to the integral development of the human being by exploring and enhancing those virtues and strengths that, in the light of the different studies, provide well-being to people. In the first section, some concepts related to well-being are explored, and to what extent, from an emerging discipline, Positive Psychology, a construct is developed involving various measurable elements that can be taught to people and therefore integrated into a school program. In the second section, some of the experiences that have positioned the knowledge and discoveries of this new science of human well-being at the service of educational communities are reviewed. Some successful programs are reviewed as a basis to argue in favor of Positive Education to be part of the traditional school system. Finally, a description of some of the qualities and abilities that teachers must incorporate into their life and professional practice is proposed.
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