Promotion of awareness and emotional regulation in education teachers through a digital booklet as OER

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Jocelyn Antonia Contreras Hernández
Yunuen Ixchel Guzmán Cedillo


Generating programs that contribute to the mental health care of teachers pays off in the well-being of the community. Hence, this research seeks to determine efficiency of a digital self-report booklet to promote awareness and emotional regulation skills of teachers through a collective case study. For this, a booklet was designed, validated, and implemented with 4 secondary school teachers. The collection of information was carried out during 3 sessions under an in-depth interview format. The corpus comprised 160 pages of session transcripts, logs, and reports for first individual and then cross-case discourse analysis. The results show breadth of emotional vocabulary, awareness of the intensity and sensations in the body when experiencing an emotion and self-generating pleasant emotions, mainly due to the characteristics of the booklet and the accompaniment provided. In conclusion, the material promotes emotional awareness and regulation skills, the scope of the study is the evaluation of an open resource for emotional education and a follow-up protocol. For further studies, it is necessary to understand teacher well-being from a gender perspective and promote the construction of collective spaces for emotional education for teachers.

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How to Cite
Contreras Hernández, J. A., & Guzmán Cedillo, Y. I. (2023). Promotion of awareness and emotional regulation in education teachers through a digital booklet as OER. Revista Reflexión E Investigación Educacional, 5(1), 15–29.


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