Co-teaching and inclusion of students with disabilities in Physical Education classes: The teachers' perspective

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Melina Radaelli Gatti
Mey de Abreu van Munster


Inclusion in the context of School Physical Education (SPE) needs to guarantee the participation of students with disabilities (SWD). Thus, one strategy is co-teaching, which is an alliance between a generalist teacher and a specialist, to plan, instruct and evaluate the teaching of a heterogeneous group of students. Objective: To evaluate an intervention based on co-teaching as a support service to promote the inclusion of SWD in the context of SPE, from the perspective of teachers of this discipline. The study is characterized by a collaborative approach. The research was held in two municipal schools in a small town in Brazil. The participants were: two PE teachers (acronyms P1 and P2). The instruments for data collection were: initial and final interview script with PE teachers of the semi-structured type. Data treatment was based on thematic analysis. The initial and final interviews of P1 and P2 were analyzed, listing the following categories: 1) Inclusion process in PE classes; 2) Interpersonal relations, subdivided into: a) teacher and SWD; and b) SWD and class; and 3) Understanding collaboration and coteaching. The objective of the research was achieved, since they allowed evaluating the intervention based on co-teaching as a support service to promote the effective inclusion of SWD in PE classes from the perspective of teachers; in addition to expanding knowledge about the collaborative culture of the participants, as well as about co-teaching.

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How to Cite
Gatti, M. R., & Munster, M. de A. van. (2023). Co-teaching and inclusion of students with disabilities in Physical Education classes: The teachers’ perspective. Revista Reflexión E Investigación Educacional, 5(1), 119–128.


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