Contributions of the inverted classroom methodology in the teaching-learning process of bioclimatic architecture




bioclimatic architecture, education, inverted classroom, projects, vernacular architecture, sustainable architecture


Education has changed thanks to technology. Therefore, more than sharing knowledge, the aim is to promote creativity through tools and methods. This paper aims at analyzing the suitability of the inverted classroom in the teaching-learning process of bioclimatic architecture in the context of a pandemic or traditional classroom teaching. The methodology has a qualitative approach, a non-experimental design, and an exploratory study. The results confirm that the students deduced the theoretical knowledge and competencies they would have received in a linear way in the traditional classroom. In conclusion, it is suggested that the difference between this teaching practice and a traditional one was in making the theoretical derive from the practical, activating a didactic transposition process that not only simplified knowledge but was based on generating transversalities from the variables involved in the learning process.


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Author Biographies

Alejandro Guerrero-Torrenegra, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia

PhD in Architecture
Principal researcher, professor of the School of Architecture

María Verónica Machado-Penso, Universidad de la Costa, Barranquilla, Colombia

PhD in Architecture
Co-investigator, full professor of the Department of Architecture and Design.

Jorge Alberto Aldea-Lopez, Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela

PhD in Architecture
Co-investigator, professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Design.

Nelsy Dufay Londoño-Bermúdez, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia

Co-investigator, student of the Master of Architecture and Urbanism at the School of Architecture.


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How to Cite

Guerrero-Torrenegra, A., Machado-Penso, M. V., Aldea-Lopez, J. A., & Londoño-Bermúdez, N. D. (2023). Contributions of the inverted classroom methodology in the teaching-learning process of bioclimatic architecture. Sustainable Habitat, 13(1), 96–107.


