
Ventanilla Abierta


Le recordamos a la comunidad que Urbano mantiene una ventanilla abierta para la recepción de manuscritos que pueden optar a ser publicados en los números que se encuentren en proceso.

Revisar cómo preparar el envío de artículos AQUÍ.

Un cordial saludo, 
Equipo Editorial Urbano
Universidad del Bío-Bío, Concepción, Chile

Read more about Ventanilla Abierta

Current Issue

V.27, N.50 (NOV 2024): MISCELLANY
					View V.27, N.50 (NOV 2024): MISCELLANY

Responsible Editor: Ana Zazo Moratalla
Frequency: 2 issues per year
Period: November 2024- April 2025
ISSN: 0717-3997 Print version
ISSN: 0718-3607 Electronic version

Published: 2024-11-30


Opinion Column

View All Issues

URBANO is a scientific journal open access, issued since 1998 by the Department of Planning and Urban Design, of the University of Bio-Bio’s Faculty of Architecture, Construction and Design.

URBANO specializes in urban-territorial issues and its main goal is to explore the spatial dimension that the study of the city and the territory acquires. Its objective is to develop a critical view about the urban phenomenon and its consequences in the transformation of mid-sized cities and in the territory on a local and regional scale. Urbano publishes new research and is open to a diversity of approaches and methodologies, especially multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research, that allows visualizing the city and the region from a broad context that applies to urban and territorial management.

URBANO is aimed at researchers and academics, and is issued twice a year in both an electronic (May – November) and ensures article quality using an anonymous external peer review.

URBANO is indexed in Scopus, Scielo, Emerging Sources Citation Index, Redalyc, ERIHPLUS, DOAJ, EBSCO, AVERY Index, Latindex Catálogo 2.0, Dialnet, REDIB and REBIUN; it is part of ARLA (Latin American Architecture Journals Association) and ascribes to DORA (San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment).



Editora: Ana Zazo Moratalla


Frecuencia: 2 Números por año.

ISSN: 0717-3997 Versión impresa

ISSN: 0718-3607 Versión electrónica