Mechanıcal and fıre propertıes of orıental beech ımpregnated wıth fıre-retardants and coated wıth polyurea/polyurethane hybrıd and epoxy resıns


  • Çağlar Altay
  • Hilmi Toker
  • Ergün Baysal
  • İlknur Babahan
  • Halil Kılıç



Boron compounds, epoxy resin, fire retardats, Oriental beech, polyurethane resin


This study was performed to investigate some mechanical properties such as modulus of rupture and compression strength parallel to grain and some fire properties such as weight loss and temperature values of Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis) treated with fire-retardants  and coated with polyurethane/polyurea hybrid resin and epoxy resin were investigated. The coatings are based on epoxy and polyurethane\polyurea hybrid resins. Firstly,  an impregnation method was applied by using fire-retardants which are boron chemicals and ammonium sulfate before coating process. Oriental beech was impregnated with 3 % aqueous solution of boric acid, borax, boric acid and borax mixture (1:1), and ammonium sulfate. Oriental beech was primed with epoxy resin by using Sikafloor®-156, and then coated with Sikalastic®-851, a polyurethane/polyurea hybrid resin. Results showed that modulus of rupture and compression strength parallel to grain values of polyurethane/polyurea and epoxy resin coated Oriental beech wood were higher than that of un-treated and non-coated (control) group. Fire-retardants treatment before polyurethane/polyurea and epoxy resin coatings caused to decrease modulus of rupture and compression strength parallel to grain values of Oriental beech in some extent. Weight loss and temprature  values of polyurethane/polyurea and epoxy resin coated Oriental beech were higher than that of un-treated and non-coated (control) group. Hovewer, fire-retardants treatment before polyurethane/polyurea and epoxy resin coatings improved fire properties of Oriental beech wood.


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How to Cite

Altay, Çağlar ., Toker, H. ., Baysal, E. ., Babahan, İlknur ., & Kılıç, H. . (2022). Mechanıcal and fıre propertıes of orıental beech ımpregnated wıth fıre-retardants and coated wıth polyurea/polyurethane hybrıd and epoxy resıns. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 24, 1–14.


