Physical, mechanical, and thermal characteristics of alkaline copper quaternary impregnated oriental beech wood


  • Çağlar Altay
  • Emir Özdemir
  • Ergün Baysal
  • Mehmet Emin Ergün
  • Hilmi Toker



Impregnation, Korasit KS, mechanical properties, Oriental beech, physical properties, thermal properties


The physical, mechanical, and thermal properties of Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis), which had been impregnated with the water-based, copper-containing Korasit KS material from the Alkaline Copper Quaternary group, were investigated in this study. According to ASTM 1413-07el (2007) standard, the wood samples used in the investigation were impregnated with 3 % and 6 % aqueous solutions of Korasit KS. The modulus of rupture, thermal, and water absorption tests were performed on samples of Oriental beech after they had been impregnated. Oriental beech's modulus of rupture values decreased as a result of Korasit KS impregnation. Additionally, Oriental beech had lower modulus of rupture values at greater concentrations of Korasit KS. In every water absorption period, the water absorption values of the Oriental beech impregnated with Korasit KS were higher than those of the control group. Our results showed that Korasit KS impregnation enhanced thermal properties of Oriental beech. Moreover, higher concentration levels of Oriental beech yielded better thermal characteristics of Oriental beech.


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How to Cite

Altay, Çağlar ., Özdemir, E. ., Baysal, E. ., Ergün, M. E. ., & Toker, H. . (2023). Physical, mechanical, and thermal characteristics of alkaline copper quaternary impregnated oriental beech wood. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 26, 1–10.


