Weathering characteristics of impregnated and coated calabrian pine wood
Adhesion strength, Calabrian pine impregnation, surface hardness, surface roughness, varnish, weathering performanceAbstract
This study was designed to investigate the weathering characteristics of Calabrian pine (Pinus brutia) wood. The wood specimens were impregnated with some copper-based chemicals and then varnish coated. As copper-based chemicals, Celcure C4, Korasit KS, and Tanalith E 8000 were used for impregnation. Polyurethane varnish (PV) and water-based varnish (WBV) were used as coating materials. Firstly, Calabrian pine wood was impregnated with 2,5 % and 5 % aqueous solutions of chemicals then coated with polyurethane varnish and WBV. Impregnated and coated Calabrian pine wood specimens were subjected to 6 months of natural weathering in Mugla, Turkey. After weathering; surface hardness, surface roughness, and adhesion strength changes of Calabrian pine wood specimens were determined. Impregnation caused to increase in surface hardness values of Calabrian pine. Surface hardness increases of water-based varnish coated Calabrian pine specimens were higher than polyurethane varnish coated Calabrian pine specimens. Impregnation resulted in higher surface roughness values of Calabrian pine specimens. Polyurethane varnish coated Calabrian pine specimens gave higher surface roughness than water-based varnish coated Calabrian pine specimens. The adhesion strength values of all treatment groups were decreased after weathering. In general, adhesion strength decreases of water-based varnish coated Calabrian pine specimens were higher than that of polyurethane varnish coated Calabrian pine specimens. The concentration levels of chemicals did not have a significant effect on surface roughness and adhesion strength of Calabrian pine wood after weathering.
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