Design-Based Learning (DBL) for training of primary educators in rural areas

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Maritza Palma Luengo
Gabriel Hernández Martrou


The study aims to reveal the perception of the students of Primary Education Teaching, regarding their pedagogical experience about the educational approach Learning Based on Designing (LBD). The study comprises a sample of 54 students of the subject Didactics of Natural Sciences, from the second year of Pedagogy of Primary Education of a state university of Chile. The experience was evaluated through the analysis of dissertation made by the students, and through a focus group composed by the same participating students. The result suggests that the experience was perceived as a valuable contribution to their training and professional practice, supporting its contribution to promote the theoretical bases of the model as well. In this way, it can be concluded that the experience is advantageous, especially to support a further work with multigrade teachers of rural schools, considering that this study forms part of a bigger project (Fondef IDEA), whose main goal is to validate a contextualized didactic model in accordance with the needs, characteristics and challenges of Chilean rural schools.

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How to Cite
Palma Luengo, M., & Hernández Martrou, G. (2018). Design-Based Learning (DBL) for training of primary educators in rural areas. Revista Reflexión E Investigación Educacional, 1(1), 109–117.
Experiencias Pedagógicas


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