Teacher training in adapted physical activity during virtual classes

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Patricia Rossi-Andrion
Mey de Abreu van Munster
Bruna Poliana Silva


Among the various consequences derived from the pandemic unleashed by Covid-19 in 2020, the interferences in the educational context stood out, which led to the need to reorganize university academic training for virtual classes aimed at teacher training in the most different areas of knowledge. Thus, this study had the objective of identifying what resources and didactic strategies have been developed by the teachers of the HEIs to train teachers in AFA during virtual classes. A descriptive investigation was developed, using the case study as a strategy, with 32 teachers from Brazilian public and private HEIs who taught the discipline Adapted Physical Activity during virtual classes and who were linked to SOBAMA. As a data collection instrument, the online questionnaire was used, sent by e-mail (Google Forms), with 34 open and closed questions, prepared by the researcher. Data analysis was based on descriptive and thematic analysis. The profile of the teachers demonstrated the importance of the specialty of the professionals who work in higher education, investing and dedicating time to their academic career. There was more attention to the practical classes, which had to be adapted according to the virtual classes. These adaptations involved the evaluation criteria, the specification of synchronous and asynchronous tools, the didactic strategies, the use of digitally accessible references, the distribution of the workload, the way of approaching the contents and the description of the place. This study made it possible to identify that teachers reorganize their disciplines, as well as modify teaching strategies and make evaluation criteria more flexible. However, for that it was necessary to suppress the contents and practical activities, interfering in the experiences of the students in training with the PEE.

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How to Cite
Rossi-Andrion, P., Munster, M. de A. van, & Silva, B. P. (2023). Teacher training in adapted physical activity during virtual classes. Revista Reflexión E Investigación Educacional, 5(1), 137–145. https://doi.org/10.22320/reined.v5i1.6271


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