

  • Rafael Eduardo López-Guerrero University of Bio-Bio, Concepción, Chile https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5941-0421
  • Maureen Trebilcock-Kelly University of Bio-Bio, Concepción, Chile






In a Global South so eager for practical and accessible solutions, how close are we between the science we produce and its application to gaining tangible answers? Although this question might have been valid at different times in our history, it currently has new and complex variables. Since its inception, architecture and the built environment have been fundamentally proposed to protect us from risks and threats, natural or otherwise, including those associated with the inclement weather expected every year. However, as we have been "surprisingly" experiencing, these climatic variables are no longer so regular, thanks to the famous climate change. This has left us uncertain about the solutions we must propose to adapt our buildings. Thus, two keywords have emerged to face this phenomenon in recent years: adaptation and mitigation. However, for the built environment to comply with these guidelines, it should be designed to interact complementarily with the urban and socio-environmental context in which it is inserted. This would imply improving individual performance without compromising that of others.


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Author Biographies

Rafael Eduardo López-Guerrero, University of Bio-Bio, Concepción, Chile

Doctorate in Engineering Sciences
Co-Editor Sustainable Habitat, Assistant Professor, Department of Building Sciences, School of Architecture, Construction and Design.

Maureen Trebilcock-Kelly, University of Bio-Bio, Concepción, Chile

Doctor in Sustainable Architecture
Responsible Editor Sustainable Habitat
Full Professor, Department of Design and Theory of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Construction and Design





How to Cite

López-Guerrero, R. E., & Trebilcock-Kelly, M. (2024). Editorial. Sustainable Habitat, 14(2), 04–07. https://doi.org/10.22320/07190700.2024.14.02.00




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