A new attitude of resistance by African American soldiers during World War II


  • Paula Sánchez Lagos Universidad del Bío-Bío




Attitude, World War II, Emotions


The main objective of this essay is to describe the new attitude of resistance expressed by colored soldiers, the attitude can be seen when facing discriminatory situations whether it was on the battlefield, place they were stationed or their home country; other of this essay’s objective is to categorize the emotions reigning at the moment they were doing their military service. This research aimed to find moments in which this new attitude became clear or to see those who had a more passive one; that way we can analyze which attitude reign in the soldiers used as subjects of this investigations; it became clear, once analyzing the source, that during World War II brought with it a new attitude of resistance, it became clear by the way they responded to insults, moments that meant some type of humiliation or injustice.
When it came to emotions, it could be concluded that many soldiers lived that periods of their lives with a lot of frustration, but it also brought a new appreciation of their accomplishments.

Author Biography

Paula Sánchez Lagos, Universidad del Bío-Bío

Magíster en Historia de Occidente, Universidad del Bío-Bío


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How to Cite

Sánchez Lagos, P. (2016). A new attitude of resistance by African American soldiers during World War II. Tiempo Y Espacio, (36), 71–87. https://doi.org/10.22320/rte.vi36.3248


