The foundation for and proposals to achieve comprehensive assessment in the teaching of architectural projects


  • Roberto Goycoolea Prado Universidad de Alcalá. Escuela de Arquitectura.
  • Carlos Lara Aspee Universidad de Valparaíso. Escuela de Arquitectura.


architecture, teaching, projects, schools of architecture, assessment


The assessment of the subjects in which architectural design is taught is one of the thorniest aspects of teaching architecture, as shown by the confusion that many students often express when they neither critically understand nor accept the grades received. In this article, some reasons that could explain this situation are analyzed. But above all, it studies the possible conceptual foundation and practices that could give rise to an architectural project assessment that meets pedagogical objectives. That is, students are able to understand the meaning and scope of their evaluations so that from that base they can autonomously assess the solutions given to other problems and act accordingly. It should be noted that the purpose of this text is not to propose solutions to a concrete problem, but rather encourage a debate to address, in all its complexity, the current assessment of non-axiomatic subjects in the teaching of the discipline.


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Author Biographies

Roberto Goycoolea Prado, Universidad de Alcalá. Escuela de Arquitectura.

Arquitecto por la U. Técnica del Estado (Chile, 1983); Dr. Arquitecto, U. Politécnica, Madrid (1992). Experiencia académica: Coordinador del Doctorado Internacional en Arquitectura y Urbanismo (México-España, 1994-98). Fundador (1999) de Escuela de Arquitectura de la U. de Alcalá y su primer Director. Hoy es Profesor Titular de Análisis de la Arquitectura y Director del Grupo de Investigación Expresión y percepción de la Arquitectura, Expresión y Percepción de la Arquitectura, y de la Red Modernidad Ignorada. Tiene publicaciones sobre sus proyectos e investigaciones, centradas en la concepción y percepción del espacio habitable, en libros y/o revistas de Europa, América y África.

Carlos Lara Aspee, Universidad de Valparaíso. Escuela de Arquitectura.

Arquitecto, Universidad de Valparaíso. Doctor Arquitecto por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. 


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How to Cite

Goycoolea Prado, R., & Lara Aspee, C. (2015). The foundation for and proposals to achieve comprehensive assessment in the teaching of architectural projects. ARQUITECTURAS DEL SUR, 33(48), 18–29. Retrieved from