Dimensional stability and colour responses of Pinus elliottii wood subjected to furfurylation treatments
CIELAB, anisotropy, dimensional stability, furfuryl alcohol, colourimetryAbstract
Organic substances have been used for different wood treatments, especially impregnation procedures, aiming to improve certain wood properties. The objective of this study was to evaluate dimensional stability and colorimetric features for a mature pine wood (Pinus elliottii) impregnated by vacuum-pressure process with variable concentrations (10 wt%, 25 wt% and 50 wt%) of furfuryl alcohol (using ethyl alcohol as catalyst). The wood samples were characterized for: linear shrinkages, linear swellings, shrinkage anisotropy, swelling anisotropy, as well as colorimetric parameters (following the CIELab method). The impregnation with furfuryl alcohol increased the dimensional stability of the studied pine wood and the treatment with 50 wt% of furfuryl alcohol stood out based on these results. Regarding the colour patterns, there were changes in the final colorimetric appearances of the treated wood samples, which acquired darker and reddish colours when compared to the pristine group. The treatment with 50 wt% furfuryl alcohol again was responsible for the highest colour change and, because of that, may be indicated for solid wood products with high added value.
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