Tio2-modified Pinus elliottii: A pine wood presenting increased resistance to water and ultraviolet radiation


  • Andrey Pereira Acosta
  • Paula Zanatta
  • Ezequiel Gallio
  • Nivaldo Freire
  • Marília Lazarotto
  • Pedro Lovato Gomes Jardim
  • Darci Alberto Gatto
  • Mario Lucio Moreira


Hydrophobic surface, microwave system, TiO2-modified wood, wood modification, wood protection


The aim of the present study is to subject Pinus elliottii wood specimens to TiO2-based modification in order to make it resistant to water and UV radiation. The microwave-assisted solvothermal method, which is little reported in the literature, was here in used for this purpose. The adopted methodology led to 1 % mass gain; although it was a low value, it was enough to fully coat the surface of the wood with nanoparticles to the extent of changing its characteristics and turning it into a functional material. The nanoparticle distribution on the surface of the wood changed your natural topography by increasing the surface area and, consequently, increasing the contact angle of the modified wood (approximately 130°). The leaching test showed that the wood remained coated after it was immersed in water, as well as that it did not lose itswater-repelling ability. This result demonstrates the stable interaction between the two materials, due to hydroxyl radicals found in them. The coating also protected the wood against UV radiation for 500 hours of intense exposure, besides preserving its initial color. The properties achieved through this simple and fast modification process provide an alternative to help improving the performance of the herein investigated wood species, mainly for applications in environments subjected to high solar incidence and humidity.




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How to Cite

Pereira Acosta, A. ., Zanatta, P. ., Gallio, E., Freire, N. ., Lazarotto, M. ., Gomes Jardim, P. L. ., Gatto, D. A. ., & Lucio Moreira, M. . (2021). Tio2-modified Pinus elliottii: A pine wood presenting increased resistance to water and ultraviolet radiation. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 23, 1–12. Retrieved from https://revistas.ubiobio.cl/index.php/MCT/article/view/4777




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